
HMA VPN currently have 929 VPN servers, located in 352 locations, across 190+ countries, with a total of 125750 IP addresses. A great VPN for PC.


  • Please DON’T scanning, spamming, scamming, phishing, web-crawling, unlawful, brute-force, network attack via VPN.


HMA VPN have far more servers across the world than any other VPN provider, offering more and faster access to your favourite websites worldwide. We currently have 929 VPN servers, located in 352 locations, across 190+ countries, with a total of 125750 IP addresses.

How many devices can you use on Hma Vpn?

You can use maximum is 2 connections at same time.

Our VPN Software works on all your devices

Unlike other VPN services, ours works on any device you like. Including internet enabled TVs and games consoles. You can even use it on two devices at the same time.

How it work?

Get ready

Our VPN software encrypts your data, giving you total privacy online. Downloading it is a breeze.

Set location

Looking for your favourite sites from abroad? Choose your virtual nationality from a drop-down menu…

And go

…and surf as normal